Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Uncle Sam Blogs You

Gov Gab
It seems counterintuitive--a chatty, personable blog by yes, the US Government! Who knew? Did I mean to say about the US Government? Noooo. Did I mean to say the Austin TX Government? Nooo, the United States Government has a light and informative blog with a staff (now there's a job) of seven Gen Y'ers with names, pictures, hobbies and everything. They blog (in the first person) on behalf of the United States on such subjects as public service jobs, getting a good night's sleep and the new Car Allowance Rebate System.
But wait, in my astonishment, I forgot the whole reason for this post! This official US blog, Govgab, is asking readers to write in about your local library. If your local library is the Wellesley Free Library, I'm sure you have lots of wonderful things to say...

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